10 Reasons Why the Ryobi Electric Lawn Mower Blade Is Not Spinning?

10 Reasons Why the Ryobi Electric Lawn Mower Blade Is Not Spinning

Ryobi electric lawn mower is an excellent choice for homeowners and garden enthusiasts worldwide who put special emphasis on their machine being eco friendly and less noisy. But their electric mowers can run into some problems that hampers the smooth mowing experience of the user. One of the most common problems on the Ryobi electric lawn mowers is that the blades fail to spin.

The problem of the ryobi electric lawn mower blades failing to spin properly can be a result of various issues such as power issues, safety key issues, wiring problems, mechanical obstructions, drive belt issues, lack of lubrication, and many more. But users can easily overcome these problems by troubleshooting properly and following some simple procedures.

Solutions to the problem of the blades failing to spin will depend on the exact issue that is causing the problem but the common solutions are fixing power supply, clearing obstructions, fixing blades, repairing or replacing the mower blade, inspecting the motor, checking the safety switches, repairing or replacing the drive belt, and so on.

What Causes Ryobi Electric Lawn Mower Blade Not Spinning?

Ryobi electric lawn mowers can run into the issue of the blades not spinning due to various reasons. Issues in one or multiple parts can result in the problem of the blades failing to spin properly or at all. These issues are thoroughly discussed below.

Power Supply Issues

Power supply issues are the most common issues that prevent the blades from spinning. Electric mowers utilize the power of batteries to both run the mower and spin the blades and since they are the only power providing component on the mower unlike engine powered mower, they are prone to run out of charge, getting weak, or fully dying. Check the battery to see if it is functioning properly, meaning it has full charge and has not become weak or dead. The battery is dead if it fails to take charge at all and might require replacements.

Safety Interlock System Problems

Another common issue that can prevent the blades of a Ryobi electric mower from spinning is faulty safety interlock systems. Safety interlock systems work to ensure that the mower does not start in odd positions and cause accidents such as when the user is not seated. But faulty safety interlock systems engage and disengage at the wrong time and can stop the blades from spinning and can even cause the entire machine to shut down. Locate the safety interlock system on your mower. In the riding mowers, the safety switches are under the seat and under the hood. Check with a multimeter to ensure that the safety interlock switches are working properly and not causing the blades to stop spinning.

Mechanical Obstructions

Mechanical obstructions arise when objects such as dust, debris, grass clippings, plastic or metal junk are stuck underneath the blades and cause the blades to jam which prevent them from spinning properly or spinning at all. Mechanical obstructions can arise because of lack of cleaning and proper maintenance or running the mower on dirty lawn. Check underneath the deck and around the blades to find out if there are mechanical obstructions causing the issue of the blades jamming.

Drive Belt Issues

Drive belt is one of the most vital components in the mower as it is responsible for transferring power from the motor to the wheels and the blades to both move the mower and spin the blades. This also means that drive belts are always under constant stress and friction which make them subject to wear and tear over time and usage. Drive belt can lose traction and fail to transfer enough power to the blades to spin them causing the blades to malfunction. Check the drive belt underneath the deck and make sure that it is transferring power properly to the other components of the machine.

Motor Malfunction

Motor malfunction can also cause failure to spin the blades on the Ryobi Electric Lawn Mower. Motor malfunction can be caused by the internal wirings of the motor burning out or getting corroded. Check all the points of the motor with a multimeter to make sure that the motor is functioning properly.

Electrical Faults

Electric mowers have more internal electrical wirings than regular gas powered mowers which also means that there are more wires that can cause issues. Electrical wires transfer the electrical power from the battery to the other components such as the wheels, the PTO, and the blades. Fault in any of these wires can result in various types of mower malfunctions such as the blade not spinning. Check all the electrical wires with a multimeter to see if there are any short circuits or disconnection in the lines caused by corrosion or tears.

Lack of Lubrication

Lack of lubrication can also be an issue that can cause the blades to malfunction. All the moving parts of the machine require regular lubrication. Lubrication decreases friction and makes it easier for the parts to move and function properly. But lubricants degrade over time inside the machine and can solidify causing the moving parts to jam and cause overall malfunction of the vehicle. Check the condition of the lubricants in all the moving parts of the mower such as the wheel and blade mounting points.

Worn Bearings

Bearings on the wheel and the blade mount helps the components to rotate properly on their axis but these bearings are subject to wear and tear over time and usage. Worn out bearings can prevent the blades from turning properly and cause overall malfunction of the machine. Check the bearings on the blade mounting point to see if it is functioning properly.

Safety Key Issues

Safety keys prevent the mower from starting accidentally when it is set in an odd position but faulty safety keys can prevent the mower blades from rotating properly. Safety key cuts off power to other components in the mower when it is disengaged and this can prevent power flow to the components like the blades and stop it in its tracks. Safety key is usually located under the hood but it can vary from model to model. Read the instruction manual thoroughly to find out the safety key in your mower and make sure that it is engaging and disengaging properly.

Electrical Component Failures

Electrical components like the start button, start key, cruise control and so on can become subject to damage and corrosion with time and usage and can malfunction. These faulty electrical components can prevent the mower blades from spinning properly as they might cut out electrical supply to the blades.

How Can You Fix the Problem of Ryobi Electric Lawn Mower Blade Not Spinning?

The common fixes that solve the problem of the lawn mower blade not spinning are discussed below in detail.

Check Power Supply

Faulty power supply is one of the most common reasons why the blades might fail to spin. Check the batteries and make sure that they are properly charged. Charge the batteries with a charger if the charge level drops too low. Change the battery entirely if it fails to take charge. Check the connections that are going from the battery to the other components with a multimeter to make sure that they are carrying power properly.

Verify Safety Interlock

Check the safety interlock system under the hood and make sure that it is engaging and disengaging properly in the correct order. Safety interlocks can get bent or out of place if they get badly damaged. Repair or replace the safety interlock system to resolve this issue.

Clear Obstructions

Obstructions around the blades can be a result of dust, debris, metal or plastic junk, soil building up around the blade and under the deck. These can prevent the blade from turning properly. Clean the deck, blade mount and the blades regularly to ensure that there is no mechanical obstruction preventing the blades from turning.

Inspect Blade

Blades can get damaged and bent over time and usage and can cause malfunction. Regularly sharpen the blades with a file, angle grinder, or a bench grinder and make sure that they have no dent or cracks in them. Balance both sides of the blades when you sharpen the blades because unbalanced blades can wobble and cause malfunction and accidents. Also make sure that the blades are properly leveled.

Examine Drive Belt

Drive belts function under considerable stress and friction which makes them prone to getting damaged and worn out with time and usage. Regularly examine the drive belt to make sure that it is getting proper traction and transferring power to the other components properly. Change the drive belt if it gets loose or damaged. Spare drive belts will cost about $10-$25.

Check Motor

Check the motor with a multimeter if none of the other parts show any signs of malfunction. Motors can get burnt out with time and usage and might require replacement. Fixing the motor is quite a difficult task and you might have to contact your dealer or seek professional help regarding repairing the motor.

Inspect Wiring

Inspect all the electrical wirings inside the mower with a multimeter to check for disconnection and short circuits. Repair or replace the wires with spare wires to fix this issue.

Apply Lubrication

Lack of lubrication can cause overall malfunction of the mower which can be prevented by proper lubrication of all the moving parts on the mower like the wheels and the blade mount. Use quality lubricant on the moving parts to make sure your mower runs efficiently.

Inspect Bearings

Faulty bearings can cause the blades to stop from spinning properly. Replace the bearings with new ones if the bearings on the blade mount breaks.

Check Safety Key

Safety key can also cause the blade to malfunction if it gets engaged or disengaged at the wrong time. Check the safety key with a multimeter to see if it is functioning properly. Replace the safety key if it gets beyond repair.

Inspect Electrical Components

Check the electrical components such as the start button, start key, cruise control and so on with a multimeter so see if they are functioning properly. Repair or replace them with spare parts to resolve the issue.

Re Engage Safety Features

Check the safety key and other safety mechanisms for faults and make sure that they are engaging and disengaging at the correct order. Repair or replace the safety switches to resolve the issue.

Test Mower

Charge the battery to its fullest and then take out the mower for a spin after all of the troubleshooting to see if the problems have been fully resolved. Note the problems if they arise for further troubleshooting.

Consult Manual

The instruction manual provided by the manufacturer is a great tool for troubleshooting any problem of the mower. Read the manual thoroughly to understand each component and their function in the mower.

Seek Professional Help

You might need to take your mower to a trusted workshop near you if none of the troubleshooting and solution work and the blades keep shutting off during running the machine.

How to Prevent Ryobi Electric Lawn Mower Blade Is Not Spinning Problem?

Some basic inspection, cleaning, and maintenance can keep your Ryobi electric lawn mower in pristine condition and prevent the issue of the blades getting jammed accidentally which are discussed below.

Blade Inspection

Regularly inspect the blades before and after every time you take out the mower for a spin. Sharpen the blades before every usage with a hand file, angle grinder, or a bench grinder and make sure to balance both sides of the blade. Replace the blades with spare parts if they form cracks on them. Keep the blades clean by wiping with clothes before and after usage.

Regular Cleaning

Regularly clean the underside of your mower deck, the blades, the chute and all the other parts that accumulate dust, debris, and junk during operating the vehicle. Lack of cleaning can cause debris accumulation and cause the blades to get jammed.

Lubrication and Maintenance

Regularly lubricate all the moving parts on the mower such as the wheels and the blade mount to reduce friction and to prevent malfunction. Follow all the instructions provided in the user manual about storing the vehicle in a dry place away from corrosive materials.

How Do I Know if My Lawn Mower Blade Is Unbalanced?

The best method to find out if your lawn mower blade is unbalanced is to disassemble the blade from the mower and put the blade on a small block of wood or metal where both sides of the blade can go down freely. If one side of the blade goes down and the other goes up then the blade is unbalanced. File or grind the heavier side of the blade that went downwards freely to decrease weight on that side and keep repeating the test until both sides of the blades are balanced.

When Do I Need to Change My Lawn Mower Blade?

Mower blades can last up to 200 hours of usage or roughly a year of usage depending on the frequency of using the mower. Mower blades need to be changed if they form any deep nooks or cracks on them.

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