Kobalt Electric Mower Won’t Start: Reasons and Solutions

Kobalt Electric Mower Won’t Start: Reasons and Solutions

Kobalt electric mowers offer a much better experience for the user as they produce far less noise and vibration than regular gas powered mowers. These eco-friendly mowers are equipped with strong and lasting batteries that provide power to the mower’s self propelling mechanism and to the blades running underneath. These mowers come with a variety of power options such as 20v, 40v, 48v, and 80v.

But users may run into various troubles while operating these quiet, yet powerful machines. The most common problem is that the mower fails to start. This can be caused by numerous issues such as weak or dead batteries, faulty safety key, faulty switches, motor overload, and many more.

Users can solve these issues with the proper guidance, the right tools, and by following the procedures with safety and caution.

Kobalt Electric Mower Won’t Start: Reasons and Solutions

All of the different parts of the mower work in harmony to operate the machine. A fault in one or several of these integral components of the machine can cause troubles while starting the mower.

Battery Connection Issues

Since the Kobalt Electric Mower takes power directly from the battery to run the motor, the battery connections are vital to properly starting and operating the mower. The battery connection point on which the battery is going to be fitted can be subject to corrosion or carbon build-up and can supply power irregularly or not supply power at all.

Solution: Check all the battery connections with a multimeter to see if they are working as intended. Clean any carbon build-up or corrosions from the points if they get dirty. Change with spare parts if they are beyond repair.

Faulty Battery or Charger

Weak or dead battery is the most common issue behind the mower failing to start. Weak or dead batteries cannot provide the sufficient power needed to start and operate the mower. Battery charge level is shown on the battery cover. You will need to charge the battery with a charger if the charge level gets too low. The battery charger can also go bad over time and will need replacement.

Solution: Charge the battery with the battery charger provided with the mower if the battery is weak. Replace the battery if it becomes dead and does not take charge. Try to charge the battery with a different charger to check whether the fault lies in the battery or in the charger. Clean the charging mount where the battery is inserted for charging. Check all the connecting points with a multimeter to see if they are carrying power. Replace the charger with a new one if it becomes faulty and fails to charge the battery properly.

Safety Key

Safety lock key is an integral component of the mower that prevents the mower from accidentally starting or running in odd positions. This safety switch prevents accidents but may cause difficulties while starting the mower. Safety key is connected with the bail lever via a steel wire connection. This connection makes sure that the lever can only be pulled if the safety key is engaged properly. This steel wire can be subject to rusting and wear and tear with usage and time. Safety key itself can malfunction and prevent the mower from starting altogether.

Solution: Repair the steel wire that is connecting the bail lever to the safety key if it gets torn. Solder it together but keep in mind that it might void your warranty. Check the safety key’s connecting points with a multimeter to make sure that it is getting power from the battery. Repair accordingly or replace the safety switch completely if it gets badly damaged.

Overloaded Circuit

Overloaded circuits will tip off the fuse and cut off power while operating the mower. This can stop the engine from starting entirely as it gets overloaded as soon as it gets plugged in. The overloaded circuit problem stems from a faulty rectifier in the mower. Rectifiers convert AC electricity to DC electricity because the mower’s motor that operates the self propelling mechanism and the blades take DC power and the power outlet supplies AC current.

The issue is with the rectifier if the mower takes power from the outlet and starts but the motor stops as soon as the bail lever is engaged. This is because the rectifier is not functioning properly and providing way more power than it should to the motor and it then tips off the fuses and stalls the mower.

Solution: Check all the connecting points and the wires that are connected to the rectifier and the power supply with a multimeter. Replace the solid state rectifier with a spare part if it gets badly damaged. Make sure to match all the Volts and Amps specified in the original rectifier to avoid electrical fire. Use genuine Kobalt parts for the best result.

Faulty Power Outlet

Corded electric mowers take power directly from the power outlet to run the motor and cordless electric mowers take power as a form of charge from the power outlet. Corded mowers will not start if they fail to get sufficient power from the outlet to start the mower. Power outlets can get worn out over time like any other electrical component and fail to provide enough power to the mower for starting.

Solution: Check the power outlet with a multimeter and make sure that it is providing power to the mower. Make sure that the required power supply matches with the power output of your power outlet. Repair or replace the power outlet if it gets worn out.

Blade Jam

Electric mowers can fail to start if the blades get jammed while operating the machine. Blades accumulate a lot of dirt, dust, junk, grass clippings, and debris while trimming the grass in the lawn. These can cause the blades to get jammed. Blades can also get bent or imbalanced which can hit the deck while rotating and stop the motor.

Solution: Clean the blades and the deck regularly before and after every usage. Make sure that the blade stays sharp and properly balanced on both sides. Sharpen the blades with hand files, angle grinder, or a bench grinder. Replace the blades if they get badly damaged and show deep cracks in them.

Safety Interlock Switches

Safety interlock switches prevent the mower from starting at odd positions to avoid accidents. But these safety interlock switches can cause trouble while trying to start the engine if they malfunction. The mower will not start if the safety interlock switches do not engage properly when the user tries to start the mower.

Solution: Find the safety interlock switches and make sure that they are properly engaging when the mower is operating. Repair them if they get bent or damaged. Replace them with spare parts if their condition is too dire.

Faulty Switch or Control

The starting switch itself can malfunction and prevent the mower from starting. The electrical wires and the connection points connecting the switch with the battery and the motor can get damaged over time because of corrosion or wear and tear.

Solution: Check all the connection points on the switch and the connecting wires with a multimeter and make sure that power is being carried efficiently. Repair or replace the switch and the connecting wires as required to solve this problem.

Motor Overload

Faulty rectifiers, faulty wirings, or excessive usage can cause the motor to get overloaded and overheat. This may prevent the mower from starting and running efficiently.

Solution: Turn off the mower and let it rest and cool down before starting operation again. Replace the rectifier if necessary.

Wiring Issues

Electric mowers have numerous electrical wires connecting all the components with each other to ensure proper performance output. These wires can break, get corroded, short circuit, and malfunction.

Solution: Check all the wirings with a multimeter and make sure that there are no unwanted breaks or shorts in the circuit and everything is functioning properly. Fix or replace the faulty wires as necessary.

Motor or Controller Failure

Kobalt electric mowers are fitted with a durable motor and control system but they too can fall victim to wear and tear and cause malfunctions. Motor is faulty if none of the other components show any issue and the motor still fails to get power from the battery and run properly. The bail lever can also cause issues if it gets bent or does not engage properly.

Solution: Check the motor’s coil for any damages or burnt copper wires. Check the connection points with a multimeter. Check the bearings to see if any of them broke or malfunctioned. Repair and replace the motor accordingly. Make sure to use proper replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer.

User Error

Mower may fail to start not because of any underlying fault in any of the components but because of improper handling by the user.

Solution: Make sure to read the instruction manual thoroughly before operating the mower. Engage all the safety switches properly before starting the mower. Ensure that the gears are in the right position while operating the mower.

How Much Does It Cost to Repair an Electric Lawn Mower?

The cost of fixing the mower will vary according to the components that are malfunctioning and need replacement. Solid state rectifiers will cost $7-$20 for a spare. Spare battery of 20V costs $60-$120 and 40V costs $60-$200.

How Long Does a Kobalt Electric Lawn Mower Last?

Kobalt provides 5 years of warranty on the mower and 3 years of warranty on the battery and the chargers. With proper maintenance and care, Kobalt Electric Lawn Mowers should last more than 5 years on average. Read the instruction manuals and the warranty card thoroughly to check which parts are covered by the warranty and what sort of repairs may void it.

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